Service Quality Inquiries – 3nd Quarter 2013
Analysis concluded :
- We verify no change in the main reasons why drivers to lift cars in Turiscar : ' Acident ' and ' Road Assistance ' . In August the weight of the two reversed and ' Road Assistance ' were higher than by ' Acident ' .
Likewise and despite being a minor percentage, the ' Business' motives also declined in August in favor of ' Leisure ' . These values were reversed again in September. The data and their fluctuations are directly related to the season of the year under review .
- Regarding the service provided by Stations (Office Out and Office in), both in ' Service ' as in ' Speed' the values recorded in Very Good and Good are always above 95% and 91% , respectively , for each item analyzed.
Nevertheless , there was a slight decrease (about two points) in each, during the month of August (compared to the previous semester as well as in July and September ) . Seasonality and the substantial increase in the volume of work in this period are evidence of this, particularly in terms of ' Speed of Service".
- The results of the Reservation Center, and following what we found in the areas already discussed , there is linearity on results in July and September with the previous quarter: the responses in 'Customer treatment ' as in ' Service Speed ', concentrated mainly in Very Good and Good (above 92 % ) . However, there was a slight decrease (approximately 1 % ) in August for the 'Service Speed' : a change in the positioning of the answers crowded in Medium. This result was already expected since , especially in the first half of the month , call volume was substantially higher than the average.
- About the Car, regarding to the ' Quality ' was found the same trend from last quarter: the answers in Very Good and Good increased over the three months and in the Medium and Low decreased proportionately. Nevertheless we found results slightly below (+/- 3 percentage points) than the observed in the 2nd quarter, but always greater than 84,9% .
Meanwhile , the percentage associated with 'Cleaning / state of the vehicle’, always presented results up 92.7 % in Very Good and Good.
Overall, the service provided by Turiscar is also ranked as Very Good and Good ( ranging between 93.8 % and 95.2 % during this quarter ) - values near the 2013’ accumulated values ( 95.8 % ) .