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Quality Survey Results November and December 2012


Analysis of survey results answered in the last two months of the last year and compared with October, we highlight:

- Within the reasons that led to the need to rent a car in Turiscar, 'Roadside Assistance' and 'Sinister' keeps position. The 'Review' shows an increasing tendency October to November but fell in December and the percentage associated with 'Business' decreased to long for the entire quarter. By your side, 'Entertainment' doesn’t have a linear increasing and decreasing each month;

- With regard to the service provided by the Stations (or at the time of picking up the car or with your return) is noted from October until the end of the year an increase in the categories Very Good and Good (in December we recorded 97.2% of responses) with little significant variation October to November at Station Exit;

- The results of the Central Reserve showed values slightly oscillating October to December: the level of the 'Customer' there was a decrease in responses to positive valuation in November but in December a substantial increase (94.2% to 97.1 %). For its part, the 'Speed of Service' remained until the end of the year the decreasing completed October to November (97.3% increased to 91.2%);

- On the characteristics of the car rental delivered, both with regard to the 'Quality' to the question about the 'Cleaning /State' the position of the respondents is more favorable than in December over the previous month. In the first case changes from 93.1% to 91.9% and 93.6% during the last quarter and in the second item of 96.1% in November to 97% in December (similar to October).

The overall assessment of the service Turiscar, follows the same line as in the month of November witnessed a decrease in the weight of the items more positive compared to the previous, and we went from 98.5% in October to 94.9% in November and 98.2% in December.

Finally, the analysis of the cumulative year 2012 found that in all questions to our drivers, and above, the percentage of responses in Very Good and Good is always higher than the 94.5% it is concluded that the degree of satisfaction with the service provided by Turiscar is quite high. Nevertheless, and although we can not fail to look at these results as very motivating, are both an indicator that there are areas for improvement in a constantly evolving process and that feedback from our customers is a key factor.