7.1. When renting a rent-a-car vehicle, the LESSEE automatically adheres, by law, to TURISCAR’s e-toll service. This service will allow, through an identifier device owned by TURISCAR, the determination of the value of the toll charge with a view to its collection in the context of the electronic toll services provided at the road infrastructures duly equipped to this end, with the LESSEE being the sole party responsible for full payment of the value thereof during the Agreement validity period.
7.2. For the provision of the e-toll service, and provided that its use is confirmed, the amount of €1.69 + VAT (€2.08) will be due by the LESSEE per rental day, a maximum of €16 .90 + VAT (€20.79) per rental contract.
7.3. For payment purposes, the LESSEE pre-authorizes the debit of the amounts due in the event of e-tolls passages and for the use of the e-toll service from their payment card or TURISCAR account. Therefore, the LESSEE must make available a valid debit or credit card, ensuring that there is sufficient balance in the respective bank account to make the necessary payments. The debits may occur at a time subsequent to the end of the agreement.
7.4. The LESSEE is also liable for the smooth operation and upkeep, in perfect condition, of the identifier device and under no circumstance may said equipment be removed from the place where it is installed. The LESSEE must communicate to TURISCAR any anomaly. In case of damage or loss of the e-toll device, the LESSEE should pay its correspondent price of €30,75.